
School Uniform Guidance
At The Federation of Thomas Wall Nursery and Robin Hood Infant’s School we strongly recommend the wearing of uniform; we feel it gives children a sense of belonging and a pride in their school.
Our uniform is simple and some items are available directly from school and at local chain stores at no extra cost than any other form of clothing.
We sell blue (Thomas Wall Nursery) and red (Robin Hood Infants) low cost sweatshirts and cardigans, both embroidered with our crest. School coloured jumpers can also be purchased from local stores.
Children of this age find shirt buttons very difficult and we do like them to be independent in changing clothes. So we ask you to teach them to dress and undress themselves and for that reason we favour polo shirts and sweatshirts.
Items specific to the school can be ordered directly from the school office.
(Those items are marked in the list below with an asterisk *).
We ask that all clothing including PE kits should be clearly marked with the owner’s name.
Robin Hood Infants:
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NB: Please buy black school shoes/ trainers with velcro that your child can take off and put on by him/herself and which will not slide or come off while s/he is running around the playground. High heels, open toed shoes and jellies are not allowed for this reason. |
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NB: Please make sure children wear the correct shoes for PE so please supply trainers or plimsolls as boots or school shoes are not suitable to be worn in games lessons. (A change of shoes can be kept at school for PE lessons in the red drawstring bag if preferred). In gymnastics children use bare feet to ensure they have sufficient grip on the apparatus. In PE long hair should be tied back and hair slides removed especially if children are learning to roll. |
Thomas Wall Nursery
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Jewellery: We do not allow jewellery in school with the exception of a watch, which should be named and plain, single studs in pierced ears. Hooped earrings are not allowed at any time. In PE lessons, children must have earrings removed. Please note that earrings can be a hazard at play times and in the EYFS outdoor area too. We would prefer children not to wear earrings at all in our Infant school and Nursery as they can become caught on other children and equipment and young children are not always able to manage the removal of them independently. If ears are to be pierced this should be done at the beginning of the summer holidays to enable healing. As with all personal property the school takes no responsibility for jewellery and adults in school are not allowed to remove earrings. We are following the policy from Sutton health and safety which states that earrings should be removed for PE sessions. Our policy is also the same as Robin Hood Junior School. If a child is not able to remove their earrings then we will allow taping but this will need to be done by the parent before school, staff are not obliged to tape children’s ears.
Sutton Health and Safety Guidance
Jewellery (for example, earrings, ear studs, bracelets and necklaces) should not be worn during PE, swimming, sports, or any physical activities. This is to protect the wearer and those engaged in activities with them, from unnecessary risk.
It is recommended that children do not to wear jewellery on days when there are physical activities.
Piercings can take several weeks to fully heal. The Head Teacher should advise parents the best time to allow their children to have piercings is at the beginning of the summer holiday. This should allow sufficient time for piercings to fully heal, so earrings, studs and body jewellery can be safely removed for physical activity classes in the Autumn term.
Those children who cannot take out/off their jewellery should not actively partake in physical activities that are likely to involve any contact and should be given an alternative activity or role within that activity. This can include being a judge, referee, timer or assistant as long as they can stay a safe distance away from the activity. If this is not possible, then they will need an alternative task.
Where tape or padding is used, staff must monitor its condition during the activity.
Some physical activities may not be affected by certain jewellery, for example, a child wearing a stud earring may partake in orienteering safely. The activity should be risk assessed in relation to the jewellery prior to the event.