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The Federation of Thomas Wall Nursery

& Robin Hood Infants’ School

Happy School, Confident Learners

Our School Values

  • Positive Relationships
  • Resilience
  • Risk Taker
  • Curiosity
  • Love of Learning
  • Communicator


Welcome to Nursery

Our nursery classes are Ladybirds, Tadpoles and Caterpillars


We have been learning some nursery rhymes. Nursery rhymes support children's language and communication skills, builds confidence and helps to develop children's auditory skills. They help children to learn to discriminate between sounds which is an important skill for when they learn to read and write. The repetition of words is important for children's brain development and developing new words and vocabulary. 





Honeybees is our extended care class. if your child is entitled to 30 hours they will spend a morning or afternoon in their nursery class and the remainder of their time in Honeybees. 




We are learning about Christmas and how different people celebrate.  We are learning about the story of baby Jesus and how he is special to some people. 


We will be reading Christmas stories, writing Christmas lists, preparing for our Christmas show and making a range of Christmas crafts. 


There will be lots of opportunities for children to develop their communication skills and language development by talking about their experiences of Christmas. 


We will be exploring the emotion "excited". 


See our leaflet for more information about our Christmas learning. 




Author of the Term


Nick Sharratt



Do you have any books at home by Nick Sharratt? What is your favourite Nick Sharratt story? 

Jackson Pollock


We are learning about the artist Jackson pollock. We have been creating different art work in his style. We have been learning how to flick, dribble and tap the paint brush to create a splattered effect.##

Butterfly Class


Butterfly class are our younger nursery class and will be at nursery for 5 terms. They will start in January 2025.














Class Dojo 


Well done for signing up to our Class Dojo. If you haven't done it yet, there is still time. We often post important messages, including activities we are learning about in class. 


Thank you for any messages that you send us. We do read them. Sometimes we cannot respond straight away as we are teaching or in a meeting. We will get back to you as soon as we can. 




Honeybees is for our 30 hour children. They spend half the day in the nursery class; either Ladybirds, Tadpoles, Butterflies or Caterpillars. The other half of the day is spent in our Honeybee provision. 


Children will need a plastic packed lunch box with their name clearly displayed on the front. We are a nut free school, so no nuts and no sweets. Children do not need an extra drink, just their class water bottle. No juice please. 


Even if you are not entitled to the free 30 hours or our free 30 hour spaces are full, you may be able to pay for extra sessions. This is on top of your 15 hour entitlement which your child receives in their nursery class.


Please speak to Mrs Dawson or your class teacher for more details or a Honeybee form. 

How to stay safe online

Here is a link to some songs and rhymes you could sing with your child.

Some parents have talked to us about their concerns when children are  using the internet. Here is a link with some ideas for supporting your family when accessing the internet.

