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The Federation of Thomas Wall Nursery

& Robin Hood Infants’ School

Happy School, Confident Learners

Our School Values

  • Positive Relationships
  • Resilience
  • Risk Taker
  • Curiosity
  • Love of Learning
  • Communicator

Our Curriculum

At The Federation of Thomas Wall Nursery and Robin Hood Infants we follow a creative curriculum in both the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. Children enjoy learning through an exciting and engaging curriculum that is enriched through school trips, extra-curricular activities, themed weeks and special days.


Our curriculum is based on three drivers:

The first is to develop WHAT the children learn- our focus here is to develop the children’s speech and language skills to enable them to access the curriculum and to help children articulate their feelings, to enable the children to be physically healthy and active, to develop their physical skills and emotional health and ensure that all learning is accessible. 


The second driver is to develop the learning character of our children (HOW our children learn), to teach the children our Learning Powers (resilience, risk taking, communicator, positive relationships, curiosity and a love of learning), promote them in all contexts and enable the children to have lasting memories.  We strive for the children to develop their critical thinking and their creativity so that they are resilient and emotionally mature and to increase their learning by having a positive response to making fabulous mistakes.


The third driver is enabling the children to understand their role in the community and wider world, deepening a respect for other cultures and religions in a diverse and ever changing world and to be the well-rounded and kind individuals the world needs. (WHO our children are)


At The Federation of Thomas wall Nursery and Robin Hood Infants school we want our children to become responsible, active citizens who participate in democracy and public life with respect for diversity. Through our curriculum, where Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education is at the heart of our school, we provide opportunities for our children to learn about and celebrate diversity and equality. Pupils are taught the understanding and knowledge of British Values through a variety of ways. We have complied a list of the values the DFE expect and how we inform and educate pupils in these values at our schools.

How to find our more about the curriculum we are following


The information below is intended to give you an overview of the curriculum. To find out more, there are workshops on offer throughout the year and curriculum maps are given out each half term. 


The Early Years Foundation Stage


Children in our Nursery and Reception classes follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. The EYFS curriculum consists of 7 areas of learning.


A love for learning is developed through an exciting play based curriculum that children access through both independent play and focus activities with adults.


Children are encouraged to make connections in their learning through a creative topic based approach led by the children’s interests. Children are able to engage with their learning through an imaginatively resourced free -flow learning environment that enables exploratory and child-initiated play both indoors and outdoors.


The three prime areas are:

Personal Social and Emotional Development

Physical Development

Communication and Language


The four specific areas are:



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design


Key Stage 1


We believe it is important that children develop as lively, independent and inquisitive thinkers. Children learn through a topic based creative curriculum that encourages independent learning, critical thinking skills and a healthy lifestyle.


Children are taught a rich, broad and balanced curriculum following the National Curriculum in Key Stage 1. Each class follows a structured timetable that ensures the core subjects of Maths and English are taught on a daily basis and Science is taught weekly. The remaining foundation subjects: Art and Design; Computing; Geography; History; PSHE (Relationship Health Education); RE; Physical Education and Music are taught throughout the week.


Teachers consistently observe and assess children’s learning to ensure all children make progress across the curriculum.


We develop children’s skills, knowledge and understanding through four stages of learning that are integral to all the topics of ‘Engage, Develop, Innovate, Express’.



At the ‘Engage’ stage, children:

  • gain memorable first-hand experiences, such as going on a visit or inviting a special visitor into school
  • enjoy ‘WOW’ experiences
  • get an exciting introduction to a topic or theme
  • begin researching and setting enquiry questions
  • get lots of opportunities to make observations
  • develop spoken language skills
  • take part in sensory activities
  • have lots of fun to fully 'engage' with their new topic.



At the ‘Develop’ stage, children:

  • improve their knowledge and understanding of the topic
  • develop and practise their new skills
  • compose, make, do, build, investigate, explore, write for different purposes and read across the curriculum
  • research their own questions and those set by others
  • follow new pathways of enquiry based on their interests
  • complete homework activities that support their learning. 



At the ‘Innovate’ stage, children:

  • apply skills, knowledge and understanding in real-life contexts
  • solve real or imagined problems using everything they’ve learnt
  • get inspired by imaginative and creative opportunities
  • re-visit anything not fully grasped at the ‘Develop’ stage.



At the ‘Express’ stage, children:

  • become the performers, experts and informers
  • share their achievements with parents, classmates and the community
  • evaluate finished products and processes
  • link what they have learnt to where they started
  • celebrate their achievement


Year One Theme Map

Autumn 1


Autumn 2

Bright Lights, Big City

Spring 1

Rio de Vida

Spring 2

Dinosaur Planets

Summer 1

Moon Zoom

Summer 2

Enchanted Woodland


Year Two Theme Map

Autumn 1

Street Detectives

Autumn 2

Muck, Mess and Mixtures

Spring 1

Turrets and Towers

Spring 2

The Scented Garden

Summer 1

Wriggle and Crawl

Summer 2

Treasure, Transport and Trade




  • Word Reading – phonics, high frequency words, common exception words
  • Comprehension
  • Guided Reading – fiction, non-fiction, poetry
  • Reading for pleasure - fiction, non-fiction, poetry


  • Transcription – spelling, handwriting
  • Composition – Punctuation, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation

Spoken language:

  • Listen and respond appropriately
  • Ask relevant questions
  • Speculate, hypothesise and explore ideas
  • Articulate and justify own ideas
  • Describe, explain and narrate for different purposes
  • Express feelings
  • Take part in discussions, presentations, performances, role-play, improvisations and debates
  • Explore different viewpoints
  • Speak clearly and fluently in Standard English




  • Number and place value
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Multiplication and division
  • Fractions


  • Length and height
  • Weight or mass
  • Capacity and volume
  • Time
  • Money


  • Properties of shapes
  • Position and direction


  • Data handling



Working scientifically:

  • Ask simple questions
  • Suggest answers to questions
  • Observe closely using simple equipment
  • Perform simple tests
  • Identify and classify
  • Suggest answers to questions
  • Gather and record data

Year One:

  • Plants
  • Animals, including humans
  • Everyday Materials
  • Seasonal changes

Year Two:

  • Living things and their habitats
  • Plants
  • Animals, including humans
  • Everyday Materials


Art and Design

  • Design and make products using a range of materials
  • To develop and share ideas, imagination and experiences through drawing, painting and sculpting
  • Develop a wide range of art and design techniques
  • Learn about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers


Design and Technology

  • Design, make and evaluate products
  • Develop technical knowledge through building structures and exploring and using mechanisms
  • Cooking and nutrition



  • Understand what algorithms are and how they are implemented as programs executed by instructions
  • Create and debug simple programs
  • Use technology purposefully
  • Recognise common uses of ICT
  • Use technology safely and respectfully



  • Locational knowledge
  • Place knowledge
  • Human and physical geography
  • Geographical skills and fieldwork



  • Changes within living memory
  • Events beyond living memory
  • The lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements (some paired to compare same aspect of life in different periods)
  • Significant historical events, people and places in their own locality



  • Use their voice expressively and creatively
  • Play tuned and untuned instruments musically
  • Listen to a range of live and recorded music
  • Explore the interrelated dimensions of music


Physical Education

  • Develop children's fundamental movement skills, e.g. agility, balance and co-ordination through a variety of sports.
  • Children to lead and participate in a variety of sports.
  • To promote and participate in mindfulness activities such as Yoga where children learn breathing exercises and different poses to help them feel calm and peaceful.
  • Gain resilience through the success and losses of competitive team games and develop a good sporting attitude.
  • For children to enjoy fitness and to understand the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle.
  • To use the correct vocabulary and apply this to the appropriate sport.
PSHE- Relationship and Health Education
  • Healthy relationships- caring friendships
  • Feelings and emotions
  • Respectful relationships - Anti bullying
  • Keeping safe- PANTS Rule and online relationships
  • Families and people who care for me
  • Healthy lifestyles
  • Good mental wellbeing


  • It is a legal requirement for 1 hour of RE teaching each week from Reception to Year 2.
  • We follow SACRE guidance and teach the 4 principle religions of the UK in KS1 – Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam.
  • Children learn about religion and learn from religion – they explore and reflect upon religion to help them to continue in, or come to, their own beliefs.
  • Early Years – there is a focus on children’s own experiences. The children follow 3 themes: Festivals and Celebrations, Growing Together, Caring and Taking Care.
  • The children participate in an act of daily worship during school assemblies.
  • Parents have the right to withdraw their children from this teaching. 


